Community Reinvestment Act

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires an evaluation of the Bank’s performance in meeting the credit needs of the community.

The evaluation is taken into account by the Commissioner of Banks when deciding on particular applications that have been submitted.

Important information about the operation of the Act is posted in the lobby of each of our banking offices.

Copies of the Bank’s current CRA Statement are available in any one of BayCoast Bank’s offices and on our website for ease.

If after reviewing the CRA Statement you would care to comment on the Statement or on the Bank’s performance in meeting the credit needs of the community, you can send your comments in writing to any one of the following offices:

Monique L. Campeau
Vice President
Fair Banking and CRA Officer
BayCoast Bank
P.O. Box 1311
Fall River, MA 02722-1311

Regional Director
Division of Supervision & Consumer Protection
FDIC New York Regional Office
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10118

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Office of the Commissioner of Banks
1000 Washington Street, 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02118

If you should write to the FDIC, or the Commissioner of Banks or the Senior Lending Officer at BayCoast Bank, the letters, along with any response by the Bank, may be made public. A file of all signed written comments received by us within the past two years, along with any responses we have made to these comments, is available for your review at the Main Office of the Bank. Also included in this file are the Bank’s current CRA evaluation along with CRA Statements for the past two years and our Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Statement.

Also available for inspection at 1000 Washington Street in Boston are comments received by the Commissioner concerning the Bank’s CRA Statements. Comments regarding the Bank’s Statements received by the regional office of FDIC are available for inspection at 15 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 100, Braintree, MA 02184.