Please be aware that BayCoast Bank customers have received phone calls, texts and emails from fraudsters that appear to be coming from the Bank.
The perpetrators then inform the customer of “fraud” on their account and ask them to verify their account and non-public personal information. Importantly, they are pointing customers towards fake websites. Be cautious of texts or emails that include different variations of our URL. Beware of scammers who request details such as online banking credentials, account numbers, debit card digits, CVV, or PINs. Remember, this is a fraudulent tactic – never share your account information.
Here’s what you should remember:
- BayCoast Bank will never send a text message or email with a link requesting you to log in.
- We will never reach out to you and ask you to confirm any unique account or personal information.
In the event of suspicious activity detection, we may get in touch to confirm details such as the involved merchant or transaction amount, but remember, we will never solicit your account or personal details over calls, texts, or emails that we’ve initiated. Do not engage with any text messages or emails requesting your account information.
Customers are advised, if they receive similar requests for personal information over the phone, to disconnect the call and notify the Bank immediately.