Do you own a small business in New Bedford of that was impacted by COVID-19? Are you a developer ready to build affordable housing in the city, but have a demonstrated financial need to complete your project?
Two robust grants are now available in the city of New Bedford, thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The grants are designed to address economic and public health impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Applications are now being accepted for the following programs:
The Enhanced Façade Improvement Program
Eligible small businesses and nonprofit organizations may receive up to $40,000 for improvements to upgrade their storefronts. The program is designed to revitalize commercial neighborhoods, stimulate private investment and customer patronage, and preserve and beautify New Bedford’s commercial districts.
Eligible improvements include:
- Replacement or restoration of original architectural details
- Signs and awnings mounted to the building’s façade
- Window replacement and window framing
- Painting and/or re-siding of buildings
- Exterior lighting
Housing Expansion Initiative
The Housing Expansion Initiative will provide from $250,000 to $2 million to developers of eligible housing projects that create new units of mixed-income housing in New Bedford. The program is designed to kick-start projects that are “shovel-ready” – meaning they are fully permitted and ready to start construction in a reasonable timeframe – but have a demonstrated financial need. Affordable housing for working and middle-class families in the New Bedford community is in short supply. The ARPA funds will help ensure housing security, especially for children and seniors.
Eligibility and How to Apply:
To learn more about eligibility requirements and the application process for these grant programs funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, please visit New Bedford’s ARPA website at: www.newbedford-ma.gov/arpa