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Money Market Account

Special Offer

Money Market Account

4.25% APY*

$25,000 Minimum to Open and Earn APY

A great rate from a bank you’ll love. Enjoy a competitive rate without locking your funds away for the long-term. With our quick and easy application process, you can apply and open your account within minutes!

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 5/31/24.  This offer is valid only for new personal accounts with new deposits to BayCoast Bank.  Not available for transferred funds.  Minimum balance to open account is $25,000.00.  Minimum balance required to obtain advertised APY is $25,000.00.  If the daily balance is less than $25,000.00, the entire account balance will earn 0.25% APY.  Interest rates and APYs are subject to change without notice.  A monthly maintenance service charge of $5.00 will be imposed each statement cycle if the average daily balance for the monthly statement cycle falls below $1,000.00.  Maintenance or activity fees may reduce earnings.  This offer may be withdrawn at any time.  All deposits insured in full by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF).

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